The Role of Personality Traits in UTAUT Model under Online Stocking
The introduction of a new science and technology will fully reflect its value and its potential to create value only when individuals are willing to accept and adopt it in their daily works. The theory of acceptance and use of new technology has been widely discussed for decades and is still attracting scholars to work toward developing a comprehensive model. The reasons are because of various latent variables that might affect the model, and moreover, the way how the variables interfere the model has not reached an agreement. This research combines the theory of personality traits with the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. The purposes are to examine the roles that personality traits play in UTAUT model under the context of online stocking.Published
How to Cite
Wang, H.-I., & Yang, H.-L. (2005). The Role of Personality Traits in UTAUT Model under Online Stocking. Contemporary Management Research, 1(1), 69–82.
Accounting and Finance