Variables Influencing Spectators’ Desire to Stay at A Professional Golf Tournament In Japan
The main purpose of this study is to examine the variables influencing golf spectators’ desire to stay at a professional golf tournament in Japan. The data used in this project were based on a questionnaire administered to 1023 spectators at two professional golf tour tournaments near Tokyo; 991 of these questionnaires were returned. The results indicated that the variables that most affected the golf spectators’ desire to stay at the event site were affection for the player, fondness for the game, the course itself, and hospitality and service management. Overall, the event operation of the tournament appeared to have the strongest impact on the spectators’ desire to stay at the event site. Keywords: Desire to Stay, Golf Spectator, Professional Golf Tour Tournament To cite this document: Yasuhiro Watanabe, Koji Matsumoto, and Haruo Nogawa, "Variables Influencing Spectators’ Desire to Stay at A Professional Golf Tournament In Japan", Contemporary Management Research, Vol.9, No.3, pp.283-298, 2013. Permanent link to this document: