Music streaming characteristics and emotional consumption as determinants of consumer satisfactions and intention to purchase
Musing streaming, S-O-R Theory, Product attributes, Consumption emotion, Consumer satisfaction, Purchase intention, IndonesiaAbstract
The present study analyzes consumers perceptions of music streaming and how such perceptions might influence customers brand loyalty and purchase intent. The competitive advantages of music streaming, widely known for its cost-saving measures, ease of use, and worldwide accessibility, are carefully reviewed herein. The S-O-R Theory commonly employed in psychology studies is applied in this study to explain the relationship between the product characteristics of streaming music (e.g., price, content quality, functionality, convenience, and design) and consumer behavior as seen by consumption emotions. This relationship is viewed as either positive or negative in consumer satisfaction and purchase intention. The data were collected through an online web-based survey questionnaire. One thousand seven (1007) subjects from Indonesia completed the survey. The Structured Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to examine the relationship among product attributes, consumer satisfaction, and purchase intention. Our study findings revealed a strong association between emotion and particular product characteristics, whereby a positive emotion exists across all product characteristics in music streaming services. The design variable is the most popular function of all music streaming services product attributes. Our findings suggest that either positive or negative emotions may predict the functionality constructions in comparison with previous research results. On the other hand, the findings of the present study suggest that only positive emotions can influence the satisfaction level of consumers and, in turn, affect the consumers purchasing intent