A Study on Traveler Expectation, Motivation and Attitude
The travel and tourism sector has been a major contributor to the Hong Kong economy over the past decades. Both inbound and outbound tourism has had a steady growth in travelers. A local newspaper reported that Hong Kong residents are expected to travel aboard at least six times every two years. Drawing upon an expectation, motivation, and attitude (EMA) model, this study examined the correlation between traveler expectation, attitude and motivation for visiting an outbound destination. A questionnaire survey collected 137 responses. The findings showed a significant correlation between traveler expectations and motivation, as well as motivation and attitude. In addition, traveler knowledge is statistically correlated with the expectation. Keywords: Hong Kong Travel and Tourism Sector, Traveler Expectations and Motivation, Traveler Attitude To cite this document: Macy Wong, Ronnie Cheung, and Calvin Wan, "A Study on Traveler Expectation, Motivation and Attitude", Contemporary Management Research, Vol.9, No.2, pp.169-186, 2013. Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.7903/cmr.11023